Elon Musk has once again come to the defence of white people, in typically bold fashion, commenting on an X post about the self-loathing white people are now required to feel regarding their history and entire existence.
Replying to Eva Vlaarlongdutchname’s post about white guilt and shame, Musk said it is ‘Time for this nonsense to end and shame ANYONE who perpetuates these lies!’
It is quite significant for the richest man in the world to repeatedly and explicitly stand up for white people. Especially when he belongs to the only category more hated that the generic white person — the white South African. Though the ongoing violence in South Africa is, presumably, partly why he feels so strongly about the subject.
Still, it is pretty extraordinary. I’m quite worried about raising the subject myself. And I’m only, like, the sixth richest man in the world.
None of this had to happen, of course.
My guess is that until recently, most white people in the West probably didn’t think about their ethnicity much at all. Especially in predominantly white countries like England.
Then wokeness came and said that white people are a specific group, and an irredeemably evil one, to be discriminated against and where possible eradicated, and that this was a joyous thing (even the allegedly anti-woke, like Bill Maher, suffer from this bizarre mental illness) .
This, combined with rapid increases in levels of immigration, and social media making the world smaller, made it impossible not to notice one’s ‘Whiteness’. Upon noticing, one could feel either ashamed or defensive (the only real options when under constant attack).
The middle class or outright posh chose (largely performative) shame. The working and lower middle class were more likely to say ‘f*** off’, having never been the beneficiaries of the ‘privilege’ they were told lay somewhere in their epidermis.
The absolutely inevitable result of this process of being relentlessly categorised, and always in a deeply negative way, has been the beginnings of a pushback whereby white people say ‘Ok, we are a group then, and we’re actually alright’.
As I say, this was inevitable, but surely not an outcome the woke will welcome. One wonders why they so vigorously pursued the anti-white strategy, given this entirely predictable result.
As always with the woke, we cannot rule out rank stupidity. It could also be the work of some larger nefarious force attempting to ‘divide and rule’, or even deliberately encourage the development of a widespread positive white identity, though the latter seems highly unlikely. Perhaps it is simply, as Musk likes to say, a ‘mind virus’.
Who knows what comes next, but I see signs everywhere that white people, and in fact sensible people of all races, have had enough of the anti-white rhetoric.
Our institutions, however, are still way behind, blindly following the insane and obviously evil narrative that white people are inherently wicked and must be punished.
I imagine this tension will play out in increasing social unrest until the point (which may never come) when Western countries finally give up the deranged and suicidal fiction of the unique evil of white people.
It won’t happen anytime soon, though, because hatred of white people remains the high status opinion. Despite being staunchly rejected by the world’s richest man.
Strange times.
I feel absolutely zero self-loathing. In fact I like being white!!
I'm a '59 model. Grew up in Reading. In the 70's, Reading's "claim to fame" was that it had the largest Barbadian population outside of the Island itself. The secondary school I went to had a large contingent of black lads, Gordon Greenidge was in my older brother's year.
I played football, cricket, rugby, allsorts alongside black lads, went out "on the pull" with them, attended parties at black families' houses, developed an enduring love of Funk, Reggae and Soul music, Jerk Chicken with rice and peas.
A lot of the families were practising Christians, out in their "Sunday best" on their way to church every week. The lads I knew talked about strict "churchy" grandparents back in the Caribbean.
Out of all the white people I met, there was possibly, maybe 1 or 2 per cent that were racist d1ckheads, and if you ran into their parents, you'd see exactly where that came from.
When I married in '82, our fist house was in a terraced street in West Reading, and it was properly multiracial. There was a West African sit-down restaurant on the Oxford Road (the main thoroughfare) , fish and chip shops, Chinese takeaways, Indian takeaways and sit down restaurants, the Indian sweet shop, independent bakeries, a well priced Caribbean takeaway, a proper pork butchers, where the owner used to do a meat auction every Saturday, in his straw boater and red stripey apron. The local pub during the summer months used to do a reggae disco in the garden, complete with barbecue, but none of your burgers, bangers malarkey. Caribbean food. Jamaican patties. Mmmm.
Racial tension, Zero.
The West Reading Carnival, a tradition reflecting the Caribbean heritage still goes along the Oxford road to this day, as far as I know.
I moved away from Reading, post divorce, had business up there this year, so I took a drive along the Oxford Road for old time's sake.
There is a great big mosque there now. OK, so it is just a place of worship, but the effect of it being there has changed that area completely. That part of West Reading is now virtually monocultural.
Gone are the things I described above.
The grandkids of the lads I went to school with have stronger inflections in their accents than their forebears, don't talk about the Caribbean much, but of "Mother Africa" instead.
They look at me differently, as a white bloke, not grandad's old mate.
It's nuts.
"Race relations" have certainly regressed over my lifetime. It's not my opinion.
It's my "lived experience".
How did we get here? For me, we go back to the racist d1ckheads mentioned above, or more precisely, their family upbringing. The parents.
Racism, like all sorts dogma, is learnt. Taught.
The difference between the racist then and the racist now is that post modernist thinking has infiltrated our education system.
"Chips" are being carved on the shoulders of young people, and particularly since the George Floyd thing, race grifters are getting large social media profiles and a very good living gleefully pour salt into that "chip", enabled and encouraged by hard of thinking celebrities and woke corporations.
Racism went from the fringe to the mainstream.
"Well it's racism, Jim, but not as we know it".
Until we purge our education system, from primary to tertiary, we're all in big trouble.