Hello! It is Nick again. Back with one of my best podcasts yet, featuring the brilliant Professor Doug Stokes, whose excellent new book Against Decolonisation is sure to make massive waves in the culture war and beyond.
Doug talks about:
-The reality behind claims of 'white privilege'
-Why Marxism had to pivot to the Third World to continue its agenda
-Why postcolonial theory is dangerous and flawed
-The concept of 'whiteness', and why some believe it is a mental illness(!)
-Why corporations went woke
-How the professional managerial class manufacture grievance to accrue power and suppress the working class
-The future of the west as the global balance of power shifts
-How to win the culture war
and lots more!
Watch the full episode here:
Or listen on Apple, Spotify, Podbean.
And if you want to support The Current Thing (so to speak) and my other projects, you can buy me a digital coffee here. Much appreciated, and frankly necessary.
More great guests in the pipeline, and just FYI I will be shifting to Monday release for new episodes, as it’s easier for my production team.
Have a great weekend,
Once again, it would be really helpful to have some timestamps