In case you’ve missed it, the new episode of my podcast The Current Thing is out, and my guest is the brilliant Lois McLatchie.
We talk about:
-Why people are getting arrested for praying in their heads
-Isabel Vaughan-Spruce and Father Sean Gough who were just acquitted for this alleged ‘crime’
-The pro life vs pro choice debate
And loads more!
Wherever you stand on the abortion debate, this is definitely worth listening to, and many of the issues discussed pertain as much to freedom of speech as they do to the pro life movement.
The episode has had great feedback already, so definitely check it out whether you know Lois or not.
Listen on Podbean here.
Or wherever you listen to podcasts. Thanks!
P.S. The cartoon is by the always excellent Cartoons by Josh. You can find him on Twitter or support him with a donation here.
I wondered if Nick did a sick burn would it be so cool to be a Nixon Frost?
Yeah that was a good episode Nick mate, when the whole thing kicked off, I was at first saying the woman outside the clinic was in the wrong, I was under the impression she had been a bit abusive towards the women using the clinic. Turns out I was wrong, I can kind of see the meaning of the buffer zones, to stop any actual harassment but praying in your head should never be illegal.