Hello, just a quick one to urge you in the strongest possible terms to check out my new podcast with the Rev Dr Jamie Franklin.
This episode will be enjoyed by Christians, atheists, and probably even pagans.
Topics discussed include:
-Justin Welby’s pathetic endorsement of Ramadan at the expense of any Christian message
-Keir Starmer’s terrifying intention to legalise euthanasia in Britain
-Rishi Sunak’s spiritually bereft woolly liberalism
-Christianity vs paganism
-The benefits of aristocracy over meritocracy
-The OnlyFans girl who went viral after announcing her conversation to Christianity
-The true meaning of Lent
-Why Jamie believes only Christianity can save the West
And loads more!
Watch the full episode here:
Listen here or wherever.
If you enjoy these podcasts and want them to keep going, please buy me a ‘coffee’ here.
Or subscribe to this Substack for just a fiver. Many thanks.
Another proper post coming soon, but right now I’m knackered from returning to the gym for the first time since having a cold. Sometimes feels like one has to choose between intellectual pursuits and the gym. Was reading/writing way more during my break. Anyway, I hear this whole body/mind thing has yet to be cracked.
Bye for now,