Excellent interview, Nick. I will definitely vote Reform but we have been let down by politicians so many times it’s difficult to trust anything any of them say! I was rather disconcerted by Richard’s views on the “vaccines” (not part of this interview) but I guess you can’t have everything!

Are you doing a podcast every week now?

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Yeah I didn't really follow his views on that. I suppose one has to decide the level of pragmatism one applies to voting. I voted entirely with conscience last time by voting for an obscure Christian party. Reform is a more pragmatic vote, but less pragmatic than eg voting for the Tories to keep out Labour, etc. I think the vaxx was completely insane but Richard does speak sense on pretty much all other issues. And seems a nice guy and competent. I would consider voting for them, mainly to send a message as Labour will win in my area anyway.

Yes the podcast is every week. Very interesting one with Alex from Reclaim just out. Some lesser known but interesting guests coming out. But will get bigger names as well. Loads of stuff on my YouTube now too. Podcast plus GB clips and other stuff https://www.youtube.com/nickdixoncomedy

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I can’t find the podcast with Alex. What is it on?

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Nick, I found the interview with Alex but it wasn’t easy. I used to get emails telling me when you’ve got a new podcast but that seems to have stopped 🤔

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I agree about voting according to conscience. But what if all the available parties have a policy in favour of something you have a conscientious objection to? For example, if they are all pro-abortion on demand, or pro-lockdown, or pro-transrights, etc. you either don’t get a vote, which is basically the current situation, or you have to vote for the party that you have least objection to. Difficult one!

Did you ask the Reclaim person why Reclaim and Reform never got together? At one time Tice and Fox seemed to get on fine, they were even talking about buying a pub and calling it “Tice and Fox”! What went wrong?

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I thought Richard came across well.

Spoke clearly about the issues facing us all, and gave very encouraging insight into how Reform wants to tackle them.

The public sector is MILES too big, too powerful, and is dominated by ideologues.

If it means outsourcing the civil service to bypass the Mandarins, then get on with it.

If that entails "breaking eggs" (industrial action and the like), then so be it.

The private sector (that actually generates the money to fund the public sector) certainly needs stimulus (20K personal tax threshold is a brilliant idea). If it encourages UK folk off benefits, no Singapore on Thames is needed.

We should only import labour when we are at or near full employment. It is ridiculous to do so when

1 in 8 of the current working age population are on benefits.

No tax breaks for billionaires, so it should prove popular with the working class.

He was also forthright about stopping the boats, but is realistic enough to mention the challenges. Again, "breaking eggs" will be necessary, be they legal, be they Care4C. Go for it.

We need the UK to be aspirational once more, to protect our culture and traditions, and consign all the woke rubbish to the bin.

We pay far too much heed to the basket-case USA, where so much of that woke crap comes from. It's a different country with different values. The "special relationship" is about as real as Hogwarts.

I never thought I'd see the day when high profile mainstream politicians would fudge their answer when asked "what is a woman?" for fear of a backlash.

In my view, the current political model is broken beyond repair, and we need change.

I shall be voting for that with Reform.

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I would vote reform. It's convincing my two adult daughters to even vote or listen to a politician that I struggle with. I hope I can persuade them to listen to the podcast, maybe I will have it on full blast at home and ban them from going to their rooms.

Would you after that interview? and would you ever stand for a political party?

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Ha, that would be good. I might vote for them. Labour will win in my area by an insane margin anyway, so my vote can only be some tiny message. Hence maybe voting Reform would at least send some kind of signal to the Tories, if enough people did it.

I've thought about standing, but as Toby pointed out, they all just end up on GB News anyway, so I'm already ahead of the game. Surprised Richard didn't ask me but that's up to him.

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